About Us

We’re so happy you landed here! We thought you might want to know a few things about us to understand our passion for the place we call home!

Jess has been enjoying The Blue Mountain's all of her life. Her Grandparents, Ced Sr. & Barb, purchased the family chalet in 1975 at the base of the south base chairlift. They've hosted countless family gatherings and pre-and post-ski parties and events. Ced, now in his mid 90's, continues to enjoy the view of Blue Mountain. He often comments, “I will never get tired of this view.” We couldn’t agree more.

You might be familiar with the family name Gyles. In addition to being a ski-crazy family, the family is also passionate about sailing. Jess’ Uncle is the proprietor of Gyles Sales & Marine in Thornbury, Jess’ Dad was a crewmember of the America's Cup; the oldest international competition still operating in any sport, and Jess' Great Grandfather won silver the 1932 Olympics in the 8 metre class. 

Cameron O’Neill is the “Co” in the name…oddly enough those are his initials too! Cameron was born and raised in Peterborough and enjoyed many hockey tournaments, ski trips and cottage weekends in the Kawarthas with his family. Now, Cameron shares Jess’ love for all things Georgian Bay.

After exchanging our vows in Jess’ Grandfather’s backyard, we realized that we wanted to call this area home. We found a beautiful century home located in Meaford. We drove up to see the house the next day, telling each other to play it cool and avoid jumping at the first house we viewed—famous last words. We fell in love with the house as soon as we stepped into the front hall, we had our dream home!

Our branded apparel allows us to share our love for the many iconic Collingwood, Blue Mountain, Thornbury and Meaford locations. We know these locations have meaning for many who call these towns home and for those who have visited our little piece of paradise.

Take a tour and let us know what you think! 

Jess & Cam 

P.S. It's pronounced Giles with a "Y"